A look across the horizon

As far as we can look, the horizon limits our eye sight. It constitutes the distinct boundary between land and air, between the known and the unknown. It's far away and mysterious. No wonder it has fascinated humanity for ages, not just for its beautiness, but even more for the fear of sailing off the map or getting shipwrecked in the middle of the ocean.

The horizon is an off-the-map thing. Once you board a ship or an airplane, you can track the horizon patiently with your eyes and even though it seems to move, it isn't getting any closer or farther away. It stays where it is. You could go up however, and see your horizon increase a little bit, but you'll never see the complete world.

When I live I project. Everybody does it. You project your current life towards the future. And people call the furthest projected event the event horizon.Whether it's in your career, in your family life or in the recent love you encountered. Humans automatically try to foresee their future and fulfill their own expectations. It's difficult to avoid not looking across your own horizon, it's a means of feeling happy and secure.

But when traveling it's different. This tendency comes to an end. I call it the traveler's paradox. Traveling is generally found to be a horizon enlarger, which is obviously true. Fatal to narrow-mindness and generalizations, it kills any life-boredness. Here in South America I meet new, interesting, different people. But at the same time it narrows down my time horizon to the very here and now. People frequently ask me where I'll be next month or what my life will be like after Cuenca. I tend to ignore the question. Not because I don't want to anwer it, but because it's out of my current scope. I can't look across. I am enjoying my life at this location at this very time. It's the experience, the unknown, the adventure, all joint into this occasion. It's the happiness of the here and the joy of the now. Once I look across the horizon, the dream is over. And I don't want it to be over....yet.

Since I've been here my horizon has been fixated to South America, far from Europe. While this week is bringing me closer to the end of my time than ever before, the horizon is coming towards me. It's a stunning feeling. Taking a swift look across that horizon. Without projecting, just enjoying it, here and now.




Ha Marc!

Je was even achter de horizon verdwenen, maar gelukkig is daar weer een verhaal! En wat voor een! Geniet nog maar even van het gevoel niets te hoeven, want het burgerbestaan is ook niet alles ;)



Haha dank je. Maar ook mijn baan hier schept verplichtingen :P

Johan van der Kooij

Wow, the philosopher in Marc! Very well written, pondering about life's issues. It caught me all the way...
thank you for writing!
Take care,


Great story Marc!
The interesting thing with a horizon is that it is a virtual line, a virtual border, depending on the location of the observer ..
And you still are free to choose your location.. that won´t change.. not even after next week.


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